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Master's Project

Echoes of the Landscape

At the foothills of the Cordillera Central, the alluvial plain unfolds into a rich landscape of wetlands, agricultural fields, and industrial legacies that mark the story of the land. Economic regimes have come and gone, yet they each have left a deep imprint on the landscape that surrounds one of the islands most pristine bays, la Bahia de Jobos.
The hydrological system that recharged the South Coast Aquifer was redirected by the canal system put in place in the early 1900’s, a century later, the few remaining agriculture fields switched to drip irrigation completely eliminating the main source of water for the aquifer. Furthermore, public and industrial uses have placed a high demand on fresh water, one that the aquifer is no longer able to meet and has led to salt water intrusion.
This strategy seeks to reintroduce the wetland systems that once dominated the landscape. However, the proposed hydrologic system inserts a series of water based typologies that serve as infrastrcuture for industry, research and recreation. By emphasizing techonology and research, sociocultural attitudes towards agriculture are transformed and new incentives to reconnect with the land are generated.
A new green network of open spaces, trails, and active transportation routes is implemented to connect the adjacent communities into a cohesive region.
Ultimately the regional approach interjects an engenieerd natural system that seeks to challenge the industrial paradigms that have dominated the area, and provides a binding tissue for this historically fragmented landscape.



Project Credits:

Project Type:

Aguirre, Puerto Rico

Spring 2013

Roberto Rovira (Faculty Advisor)

Gianno Feoli (Faculty Advisor)

Scott Bishop (Faculty Advisor)


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